Branch Details Lookup

Why look up Branch Details?
The industry sorting code directory (EISCD) is a database of information about all the bank/building society branches and bank offices that participate in one or more of the UK clearings systems:

  • BACS - Bulk electronic clearing
  • CHAPS Sterling - High value, same day sterling payment clearing
  • Cheque and Credit Clearing - Cheque clearing for Great Britain & Northern Ireland
  • Faster Payments Service - near real time electronic credit clearing

These details allow users to find out which transactions are allowed at particular branches.

For a list of the EISCD fields (including faster payments service) and a full specification visit EISCD Specification.
Why use eSortcode?
The ExtendedBranchDetails and ValidateGetExtendedBranchDetails methods of the web service encapsulate this process removing database management and update overheads from the user.
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